Now that your heating is off for the summer months, it is good to consider upgrades and improvements. You can even completely change the heating system for your home for a more efficient solution. The following home heating solutions are some of the options you may want to consider to update your system before next winter:
AC Heat Pump Conversions for Summer
An AC heat pump can be a great option to upgrade your heating system. This is because these systems work in reverse to provide heating in winter. If you are already replacing your AC, this is a great solution for your summer project. Heat pumps provide efficient cooling for the summer heatwaves and efficient heating in time for the winter. Today, heat pumps have a more modern, compact, quiet, and energy-efficient design. They are one popular choice for summer AC upgrades to replace heating and cooling systems with one unit.
Upgrading an Existing Furnace
If you have an existing furnace that may just be slightly outdated, the summer months can be great to upgrade it with more efficient equipment. Talk with your home heating service about options to upgrade the equipment or completely replace the furnace. You can also upgrade things like the blower fan motor and air handler equipment when updating your furnace. Sometimes, the upgrades can be done to a more modern unit. This can include replacing control circuits, pilot light ignition, and other parts.
Converting to a Hydro-Air Heating System
Today, modern forced-air heating systems can also use a hydro design with hot fluids from a boiler. The hydro-air design gives you more options for renewable energy and more efficient heating equipment. These systems can have features like solar water heaters integrated into them to make your heating system more energy efficient.
Upgrading an Existing Radiant Heating System
Your home may have a radiant heating system. This can be in-floor, baseboard, or radiators that provide heat to different areas using thermal energy from a boiler. Today, there are many modern options for renewable energy and efficient boiler designs that can make your radiant heating system more efficient. You may want to ask about options like solar water heaters and biomass fuels for your system. Even if you use a more conventional boiler, modern gas and oil systems are much more efficient.
The upgrades you do to your heating can give you a more efficient solution for your home. Contact a home heating service for more information.