Signs Your Furnace is Past its Prime

Winter is around the corner, and it's the time of year when your furnace works its hardest to keep you and your family warm and comfortable. With the cold weather approaching, the last thing you want is to have a malfunctioning furnace that leaves you shivering. So, how can you tell if it's time to replace your furnace? This article explores the indicators that your furnace has deteriorated and when it is appropriate to consider investing in a replacement.

Age of the appliance
One of the most common reasons for furnace replacement is its age. If your furnace is reaching or has crossed that age limit, it may be time to start considering a replacement. An old furnace will also have a low-efficiency rating, which will likely translate into higher heating bills. Investing in a new furnace with high efficiency will help you save money on your monthly energy bills.

Frequent Breakdowns
If your furnace consistently breaks down, and the cost of repairs keeps increasing, it may be time to say goodbye to your old furnace. In some cases, the repairs will cost more than the installation of a new furnace. Additionally, a malfunctioning furnace can produce carbon monoxide, which can cause serious health hazards.

Decreased Efficiency
Another indication that it's time to replace the furnace is decreased efficiency. If you're still feeling a chill in your home despite cranking up the thermostat, it could be an indication that your furnace is not operating efficiently. The decreased efficiency could be due to clogged air filters, but if that doesn't fix the issue, replacing the furnace may be the only solution. 

Strange Noises
Furnaces can make some noise during use, but if the noise frequently interrupts your day, it's a sign of trouble. Banging, popping, or rattling noises indicate that the furnace's internal components are failing or it's not working as it should. An inspection by a professional can help determine the extent of the damage, and if it's too extensive, a replacement may be the only solution.

Carbon Monoxide Leaks
A malfunctioning furnace can produce carbon monoxide, which is an odorless, colorless, and toxic gas. If you notice symptoms such as headaches, nausea, difficulty breathing, or dizziness, it could be a sign of carbon monoxide poisoning. Call a professional immediately to inspect your furnace and replace it if necessary. 

Replacing your furnace is a significant investment, but it's essential for your safety and comfort. If you suspect carbon monoxide leaks, get professional help immediately to prevent any health risks. Don't wait until the winter season is in full swing to realize your furnace needs a replacement. Contact a furnace replacement professional to install a new and efficient furnace, and enjoy a warm and comfortable home during the colder months.

To learn more about furnace replacement, contact a professional near you.
